The reliable offshore drilling contractor.


Every our Client, oilfield operator, strives to receive a drilling rig that is completely safe, ready for use, moved by us on place to conduct drilling. These Operators are connected with Governments that issue them exloration and production leases. Very often oilfield operating companies are conceived by Governments like multiple children from a father.


At the same time, the Governments' political course is usually aimed at restrictions targeted not only on Drilling Contractors attracted by oilfield Operators but even on Countries that produce all the necessary equipment for our job. It is thus necessary to take into account two important operations to be performed.


This is :

a) the acceptance of equipment by us from the topside and subsea drilling equipment manufacturers in Germany, China and Singapore, and also from the shipyards in South Korea, Singapore, the U.K., Netherlands, China, Sharjah, Iran, Japan, etc. ;

b) the re-activation of offshore rigs.


Commissioning is the process of ensuring that all systems and components of a mobile offshore unit are designed, installed, tested, operated, and maintained according to the operational requirements of the final client of drilling services. That is, we do this only after receiving the firm approval of our equipment from the Operator. Because the Operator have its own climatic, geological, technical, political requirements, and our offshore units may not be suitable for local conditions. For example, in Norway, drilling from jack-ups is carried out only with the ultra-harsh environment "Cat-J 70". But even if an outsider comes to them with the same, it’s far from a fact that they will work on it since each new norwegian field "Johan Sverdrup" already has 1-2 dedicated mobile drilling units.


Any logging of a drilling rig without a booking by contract, which would serve as a financial guarantee, results in costs for re-entry our mothballed equipment into operation. Consequently, all the Operators concerned must take into account issues, associated with bringing rigs into a condition that allows our great work and our exceptional safety case to continue indefinitely. What is called re-activation.


We are interested in doing commissioning together with financial organizations in different countries, and are not interested in re-activations. So much that it would be preferable to remove the drilling topsides and subsea equipment and to re-install it on a new floating unit ordered from shipyards. In turn, financial organizations also need good understanding in the form of technical reports, that in the case of re-activation is difficult since the reparing work by our efforts is less provable and no any shipyard company is involved in transactions. And we, in turn, do double work by buying used unit and repairing it within re-activation.


Come on, work with us.